
Radioanalytical instruments:

Beta Counter

1x Revvity TRI-CARB Beta Counter
(liquid scintillation counting)

Beta Counter

1x PerkinElmer TRI-CARB Beta Counter
(liquid scintillation counting)

Beta Counters

3x Canberra-Packard TRI-CARB Beta Counters
(liquid scintillation counting)

COBRA Auto-Gamma

2x Canberra-Packard COBRA Auto-Gamma


1x Elysia Raytest Phosphor-Imager
(Image Plate Scanner)


1x Elysia Raytest TLC-Scanner

HPLC with radio-detector

1x Agilent HPLC with Elysia Raytest GABI Nova (NaI detector)

HPLC with radio-detector

1x HITACHI HPLC with Elysia Raytest GABI Star (NaI detector)

Hand Fuss Kontaminationsmonitor

1x  Nuviatech Hand-Foot-Clothing Contamination Monitor (with the possibility to measure stomach and thyroid)

1x  Nuviatech activity meter

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